Paul Bessems

  • Posted on: 28 August 2014
  • By: paul.bessems

Paul Bessems is pioneer, writer, researcher and strategic consultant. He has over 25 years experience in new organizational forms and is particularly expert in the field of hybrid organizing. Hybrid organizing is a crossing between: do it yourself and contracting out, between firm and market. It is a, fundamentally, new organization form that is both scalable and flexible. Hybrid organizing is suitable for the organization of, for example, shared information networks, supra shared service centers, communities and cooperatives. These forms play an important role in the network economy.

Besides his work as a consultant, he is also chairman of the Weconomics Foundation. This foundation contributes to the organization of a sustainable prosperity by focusing on the productivity improvement of knowledge workers and redistribution of the surplus time. Finally, he is founder and thought leader of The Institute for New Organizational Thinking.

According to Paul, the most important innovation for the 21st century is not a technical innovation, but the production and redistribution of surplus time. When our productivity doubles, the afternoon will be available for tasks that really matters to us and our wellbeing.

Paul studied management science at the TUE. In 1992 he introduced the Harvard Case Method in the Netherlands and in other developed a master program with the University of Humberside Hull. In 1994 he started the Course Catalog, his first professional community. In 2005 he founded the Weconomics Foundation and in 2013 The Institute for New Organizational Thinking. Now he works as an independent management consultant for (international), often knowledge-intensive, companies, institutions and governments. He also wrote five books in the field of Weconomics and is co-author of three other books in this field.

For a more detailed description and resume see:
